Humanitarian Aid

Volunteering for humanitarian initiatives abroad is a fantastic way to immerse yourself in a new culture and really learn from the locals. There is no better way to get to know the ins and outs of a country and its culture than working closely with the people who have grown up and been molded by these exotic and fascinating communities abroad. Share your culture with the locals you meet and expand your worldly knowledge as they open up to you to show you the world as they know it. Participate on one of GoEco’s humanitarian projects abroad and truly experience life in another part of the world!

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3rd week free between November 2024 – December 2024 |Join GoEco on the tropical coast of southern Sri Lanka, where you can gain invaluable experience in the nursing & medical fields. This is one of the most comprehensive medical volunteer programs in Asia, welcoming pre-med, medical, and nursing students.

3rd week free between July 2024 to September 2024 and December 2024| Make a positive impact on communities living in Cape Town settlements through education, skills development and community improvement projects. Immerse yourself in the beauty of South Africa while living and working with international volunteers.

Volunteer in Nepal and empower women through education, life skills & confidence-building activities. Be a role model for women who aspire to become leaders in their community! Explore Kathmandu and experience its vibrant culture during your program.

Join us to provide Nepalese children with additional skills and boost their confidence to pursue their dreams. Volunteers will assist teachers with lessons in English, math, science and also engage in cultural exchange activities like sports and arts & crafts.